I am over half way done with my first round of chemo. So that's exciting. One more treatment of this cocktail and then I go into round 2. Round 2 is only one drug and not a cocktail like I'm on right now. So I can't wait. Unfortunately though, round 2 is once a week for 12 WEEKS!
While I've celebrated this week, for more than one reason. It's been a hard week on my body. So I've already told you why I was first celebrating, but the second reason is that my Buckeyes won the first College Football Playoff National Championship! That made for an interesting Monday night, since I had treatment and class on top of watching the game.
This week started out rough, I forgot to order my medication so I started my treatment off on the wrong foot. And my shot affected me more so than usual this time around, so I slept most of Tuesday away. The worst part of treatment is the body aches from my shot and the metallic taste that makes food and even water taste bad! It makes it so I don't want to eat anything because nothing tastes good :-(.
Thankfully I'm finally starting to feel better, and I'm blaming coffee!
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