Thursday, August 20, 2015

A little bit of nostalgia

Today was a big day at work, move-in for our first year class. This is always an exciting day because as Admission Counselors we get to go around campus and talk with all of the students we have helped since last summer/fall. Today is truly a day where I love my job. Sometimes being an admission counselor means long nights at college fairs, traveling endless miles in my car, listening to A LOT of books on CD, making lots of phone calls, and making connections. My favorite part of my job is making connections, not only with students, but their families as well. This past year has been rough to say the least. And through it all I have tried to keep a positive attitude and not let cancer deter me from doing my job. Though my role changed briefly during treatment, I still made those phone calls and tried to make as many connections as possible for each of my students. Now, more than ever, I realize how important those connections are.

It was a great day with my co-workers and really a day to celebrate! And boy did we!

We took freeze pops around to the residence halls so we could say "hi" to everyone. They were a HUGE hit, even with parents!

Then we had a great time welcoming all the new students at the Gate ceremony.

All in all, it was a great day. Even my Fit Bit says so...

I don't know if I can keep these numbers up though!

Until next time...


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

It's about time

My life has been pretty hectic for the past few years, there's no denying that. Sometimes I forget how hectic it really was until I start to tell someone. Colin and I have been moving non-stop since we got married. From our wedding to a miscarriage to being pregnant with Kolton to buying a house to him finishing school to me starting graduate school to my diagnosis to surgery #1 to IVF to chemotherapy to surgery #2 - it's been crazy to say the least.

I wouldn't trade these past three years for anything, but it's been a lot to handle for two people in their early and mid twenties. We have been through the burning fires of hell and back. We made it out in one piece, even if that piece was exhausted and a little jagged around the edges. We made it out alive and more determined and stronger than ever. My marriage, love, and faith are stronger and more important now because of all the shit we've been through in three years. That's for sure.

This week we are taking our first vacation ever together. One week without our son and the distractions of everyday life at home. It's beautiful. Even though we feel bad for leaving Kolton at home, we know he's been well taken care of with family. This time away gives us time to really enjoy each other and finally have some fun after the hell which has been our life for the past 10 months.

The last time I was at the beach, I received the call I was dreading from my doctor telling me I had breast cancer at 26. This time around, I am celebrating being almost done with this life altering journey.

So here's to a relaxing vacation and kicking cancer's ass!


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Another day in paradise

Well, I can tell you it wasn't exactly paradise, but it was another day in the doctor's office.

Another fill. Thankfully this one wasn't as painful as the others, but it still wasn't pleasant. 50cc in each breast is still a lot of saline, especially when the purpose is to stretch the muscle to make room for permanent implants. It's excruciating. Sometimes I wonder why I'm doing this to myself? Why did I go through with the reconstruction? Then I remember, I'm only 26. This may sound naive, but breasts are a big part of what makes us feminine.

I'm over having these expanders. I'm done with the fills (not really though). I'm done with this whole process. I'm ready to be done. I'm sure this is not an uncommon feeling and I'm lucky that I am through with the majority of things, but it's still hard.

I'm just taking it all one day at a time. Hopefully it will all be over soon.