Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Another day in paradise

Well, I can tell you it wasn't exactly paradise, but it was another day in the doctor's office.

Another fill. Thankfully this one wasn't as painful as the others, but it still wasn't pleasant. 50cc in each breast is still a lot of saline, especially when the purpose is to stretch the muscle to make room for permanent implants. It's excruciating. Sometimes I wonder why I'm doing this to myself? Why did I go through with the reconstruction? Then I remember, I'm only 26. This may sound naive, but breasts are a big part of what makes us feminine.

I'm over having these expanders. I'm done with the fills (not really though). I'm done with this whole process. I'm ready to be done. I'm sure this is not an uncommon feeling and I'm lucky that I am through with the majority of things, but it's still hard.

I'm just taking it all one day at a time. Hopefully it will all be over soon.


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